5 Ways to Keep Your WordPress Site Safe

5 Ways to Keep Your WordPress Site Safe


Did you know that more than 65 million active WordPress sites currently exist?

This makes WordPress one of the most popular website platforms in history.

It is interesting to see how far WordPress has come from its beginning as a blogging platform.

Now, WordPress is a content management system.

Many large enterprises and small businesses see WordPress as the best vehicle for getting their message and products online.

WordPress is flexible, it’s easy to use, and it makes it possible for you to create some fantastic websites.

One of the nice things about the team at WordPress is that they are always on the lookout for security issues.

When these security issues are identified, WordPress is quickly patched.

Of course, nefarious individuals are always trying to compromise WordPress sites.

Thankfully, there are some things that you can do to keep your WordPress site safe.

In this article, I will discuss five of them with you.


1 – Secure Your WordPress Administrator Account

3 – Use a Website Lockdown Feature and Ban Users


Using a lockdown feature is a great way to protect yourself from brute force attacks.

When someone repeatedly tries to access your WordPress site using the wrong passwords, the website gets locked down, and you are informed of unauthorized activity.

Another option along the same vein is to log idle users out of your sight.

If you have a user who leaves their WordPress site open on their screen, you could be facing a security threat.

Anyone can pass by and change the information on the website or alter the user account.

These individuals could obliterate your site.

If you ensure that your site logs people out after a set period, you minimize this risk.

This can also be done via a plugin.

There are plug-ins that you can use to lock down your website as well as log idle users out of your site.

These are simple steps that can produce long-term benefits.

Kinsta’s guide to WP security also covers this step and a few others in depth.

One of the most important considerations with all of these settings is the hosting company itself.

Managed WP hosting solutions offer much security out the box which saves users from having to configure a lot of these files.

While shared hosting dominates the market, it’s important to understand the security gaps that cheaper hosting options cause.

Studies show that over 41% of hacked sites are on cheaper hosts.

Managed hosting offers a proactive solution as opposed waiting to get hacked.


4 – Regularly Backup Your Files

dropbox backup files

Backing up your files protects you if your files are corrupted by unauthorized intruders.

If you regularly back up your files and store them in a separate location, you can then use the backup to restore any data that was lost, or that was corrupted.

Even if your backup is not 100 percent up to date, you know that you’re not going to lose the bulk of the information that you have stored for the operation of your website.

Of course, the higher the frequency with which you back up your files, the more up-to-date your site will be if you need to restore from said backup.

Backing up your site is one of those things that you might think isn’t important, but it’s extremely important.

Some large websites backup information every hour.

For most small organizations, that’s a little bit of overkill.

In addition to backing up every hour, you would also need to make sure that old backups were deleted so that you have enough space on your drive.

For most organizations, a monthly backup is sufficient.

Blogvault is an excellent option for site backups.

5 – Monitor Your Audit Logs

wordpress audit log

You need to know the type of activity that’s going on on your WordPress site.

You may have authors and contributors who are changing passwords.

However, there are other things that they should not have access to.

For example, an author should not be able to change the theme of your site nor should they be able to make changes to widgets.

This is something that is the domain of administration.

If you check your audit log regularly, you’re going to make sure that authors and contributors are not trying to change things on your site that they do not have the authorization to change.

Additionally, an audit log can help you to see if your contributors or writers are having trouble logging in or if they engage in activity that might be considered malicious.

Audit logs do no good if you do not take the time to review them.

It can be a little bit time-consuming, but when compared to the potential loss that could take place as a result of nefarious activity, the time is more than worth it.

These are just a few of the options that you have at your disposal for protecting your WordPress site.

We hope these security tips that you can use to keep your WordPress site secure.

What steps are you taking to ensure your site security?

(Read More)

Which WordPress Plugins & Themes Can Speed Up Your Website?

Do you keep getting page speed reports that show that your website could be faster? You and everyone else that owns a website. In analyzing Google’s mobile Pagespeed Insights scores for major publishers from across the web, we learned that the average mobile speed score was less than 24 out of 100.download-2019-04-29T161102.992-min.png

What’s more, the majority of these sites were using WordPress. It begs the question, how do you make a WordPress website faster?

One of the biggest benefits of operating a WordPress site is accessible to the millions of plugins that leverage the collective knowledge of developers worldwide. So, which plugins are currently available to publishers that could help them with abysmal website speed? And, what themes and tools can be used to increase overall site speed scores? Read more:::

What we know about WordPress and site speed scores

WordPress websites are great for publishers because they are easy to set up, simple to manage, and provide access to a vast number of advanced features through plugins that allow webmasters to circumvent coding or learning how to integrate their site with external resources(Read more).

The modular design of WordPress also leaves it open to a number of potential challenges with site speed.

If you don’t have a strong networking or development background, combing through the complexity of what is slowing down a website can be daunting.


In WordPress, all of these elements can potentially have a dramatic impact on your website speed:

  • The theme you select
  • What plugins you use
  • Hosting, use of a CDN, caching, and how you apply rules to your cache
  • How you manage external CSS and JS code
  • What external resources are called because of integrations with your site (social sharing tools, ads, newsletters)

Below, I’ll walk through some details of which plugins can speed-up your website, how to best configure them, how to better manage themes, and how Ezoic publishers can ensure they are leveraging the power of the Ezoic platform to make their sites faster as well. more info:::

Facebook Marketing

7 Ways to Use Facebook for Marketing

Facebook continues to be the reigning champ of social networking sites, as the #1 spot in which friends join and share online. Over just a meeting place for friends, Facebook has become a place for businesses to promote themselves during interaction with customers and self-promotion.

In this post, we’ll be looking at seven ways that you may use Facebook for promotion.

Whether you are a huge corporation or a small community biz, Facebook is a powerful advertising tool — it’s a fantastic space to keep customers informed, develop new recognition, and broaden your reach.20161227-facebook-1200x630

1. Making the Most of Your Facebook Business Page

A Facebook web page is an excellent free advertising tool for most businesses. These pages allow businesses identify themselves not just through listing product offerings and services, but also by sharing links, images, and posts on a customizable web page to provide a much better sense of a business’s personality and personality.
Your Facebook business page is a fantastic spot to develop your new identity and show your human side. Facebook is where you can loosen the tie somewhat — do not be afraid to be funny.
Finally, you should consider what your primary audience might like to see.
In addition to hilarious videos of dogs walking into miniature shoes, a shoe store specializing in footwear may also post a post about ways to measure your foot size correctly, what type of shoe inserts are best for different sore toes woes, etc. A nice mixture of comedy, educational resources, and posts about your store updates is best.

2. Facebook Advertising: Classic Ads

Facebook offers its own type of advertising using Facebook ads, which appear from the side columns of the Facebook site. These classic ads are known specifically as Marketplace Ads. They include a headline using copy, a picture, and also a click-through connection to a Facebook page, either a Facebook program or an outside website.Facebook Marketing
Implementing Facebook advertising to your Facebook advertising strategy is just one possible technique for increasing likes or forcing website clicks. Demographic targeting with Facebook user information on age, location, education, and interests.
Ad testing, where multiple Ad versions could be run simultaneously so as to compare ad designs and setup. Constructed ad performance measurement tools. 
Facebook doesn’t release information about their own ad CTRs, so it’s difficult to learn how successful Facebook ads are. Within our Facebook Ads vs Google Display Ads Infographic, we discovered that Facebook ads normally have a CTR of 0.051 percent, and an average CPC of $0.80; but a business’s Facebook advertising cost may vary considerably depending upon the targeting options set along with competition.
Using Facebook advertising to increase your own Likes could be quite beneficial — when a user likes your webpage, they essentially become followers of your business webpage, and your posts will appear on their own Facebook news feed.
This results in more users interacting with you and your new, forming relationships which might wind up translating to conversions in the long run.

3. Hosting Facebook Contests

Running Facebook contests, sweepstakes, or promotions is another Facebook advertising strategy that could increase fans and brand awareness.
After running a Facebook contest, be aware that contests cannot be hosted via Facebook itself (which means that you can not ask for likes as entries, have people write answers in the comments, etc.) Businesses must use a third party program for making their Facebook contest, then direct users to this program on their Facebook page.Facebook Marketing Contests
There are lots of paid tools that will help you do this, as well as some free ones. Shortstack offers quite a few free contest templates, so long as your webpage has beneath 2,000 likes. Many third-party Facebook contest apps offer free versions, but your options together are limited.

4. Facebook Promoted Posts

Facebook Promoted Posts let Facebook page owners pay a flat rate in order to have their individual Facebook posts reach a certain number of users, increasing a specific post’s reach and impressions.

Promoted Facebook Post

Some businesses have asked – why should I have to pay to ensure that my post is seen by users who are my followers? If a user has liked my page, they should always see my posts on their news feed, shouldn’t they? The answer to this question is no, because it assumes that users spend every waking moment of their life on Facebook’s news feed. For the health and safety of your Facebook fans, we hope this isn’t true!

If a fan of yours happens to be looking at their news feed when you post your story, they are likely to see it, but even then there is no guarantee if their news feed is swamped by other posts. That’s where Promoted Posts comes in – it ups your chances of being seen on a user’s news feed. Facebook Promoted Posts are shown to existing fans, with an added option to reach friends of fans.

Promoted Posts are easy to set up – just click the button beneath any of your page posts.

While the flat rate simplifies the process, Promoted Posts lack the targeting options offered by other Facebook ads.

5. Sponsored Stories

Sponsored Stories are a type of Facebook ad that shows a user’s interactions, such as a Facebook like, to the user’s friends.

Sponsored Stories seeks to capitalize on the “word of mouth” marketing concept. If a user sees that three of his friends like a certain page, he is more inclined to pay attention. The goal of Sponsored Stories is to have a user take the same action as their friends. Advertisers can choose to show friends “likes” if they want more page likes, show friends who have “claimed this offer” if a business wants more users to claim offers, etc.

Facebook Sponsored Story Marketing

While the action performed by a friend liking a page or claiming an offer is automatically posted in a user’s news feed, these posts easily get overlooked. Sponsored Stories get preferred positioning, capable of appearing in news feeds and the right sidebar. Sponsored Stories is also the only ad format available on mobile devices.

Sponsored Stories don’t only apply to likes or offer – they can be used with any Facebook Open Graph app. If a friend has just installed Scramble With Friends on Facebook, Sponsored Stories can show users that their friend has just played the Scramble game, with an invite to “challenge them,” “play with them,” or any similar variation.

Facebook claims that Sponsored Stories have 46% higher CTRs and 20% lower CPCs than regular Facebook ads, making them a very serious strategy for marketing on Facebook.

Facebook Sponsored Stories can be created easily through the Facebook ad create flow. Open Graph Sponsored Stories with a customized call to action require advertisers to use a third-party provider.

6. Facebook Open Graph

Facebook Open Graph lets businesses label a user’s action with their app. Billions of interactions are posted on Facebook Open Graph every day.

Businesses can create third-party apps that connect to a user and post a notice on Facebook when a user performs a specific action with the app. Facebook’s Open Graph allows for creative interactive options outside of the standard “like” and “comment.” Posts can suggest that users “listen,” “taste,” “read,” – it’s up to businesses to get creative.

Virtually any time a site or app prompts users to sign in to Facebook, it has something to do with connecting the user to the Facebook Open Graph.

Spotify is a great example of how Facebook Open Graph becomes a powerful Facebook marketing tool.

It all starts with a Facebook login prompt.

Spotify for Facebook Marketing

This is followed immediately by a permission request, which many users click through with little thought. I actually discovered that I had given permissions to 130 apps, 95% of which I don’t recall the reasoning behind.

Facebook Spotify

Once permission has been obtained, Spotify is able to stream what songs a user is listening to on a friend’s news feed.

Spotify Facebook Marketing

Pic borrowed from Justin Lafferty of AllFacebook.com

Notice that users are given a variety of options – they can like the song their friend is listening to, listen to the song themselves, or star it as a favorite in Spotify.

Open Graph actions like these are unique enough to stand out from the cluttered craziness of a user’s news feed.

Many Facebook games make frequent use of Facebook open graph actions, posting a notice when a user has completed a level or won an achievement.

Farmville Marketing

Farmville. Oh, joy.

Open graph actions are being categorized as a new type of consumer story, taking advantage of the word of mouth phenomenon. Open graph posts are more meaningful to users because they are being generated by a familiar friend, not simply a brand, making them the latest and greatest of Facebook marketing tools.

7. Facebook Exchange (FBX)

Facebook Exchange lets advertisers take advantage of ad retargeting on Facebook through real-time bidding. Advertisers can target audiences based on web history data – when a user visits a product page on a retailer’s website but fails to make a purchase, the retailer can then display an ad for that same product on Facebook with FBX.

While Facebook retargeting ads were only relegated to the side columns, recently these ads have been allowed to appear in news feeds, the most valuable Facebook real-estate. This is great news for FBX advertisers since response rates for news feed ads are 10 to 50 times higher than that of ad placements in the right column.

Facebook Exchange Marketing

So how do Facebook Exchange ads perform? The CTR for Facebook Exchange ads is 40% lower than for other web retargeting ads, like those offered by the Google Display Network. Other retargeting ads are also cheaper, with a price per unique clicks costing 80% less than Facebook retargeting ads. Still, in terms of cost-per-impression and cost-per-click, FBX ads are considerably cheaper, so the monetary benefits depend on your business’s needs. These numbers are also subject to change as FBX ads begin to appear more often in the news feed.

The Complete Guide to Twitter Marketing

With over 313 million active users along with a youthful demographic to boot up, Twitter is a fantastic platform for most marketers. Starting up a Twitter page for your business is easy. Everyone can think of a Twitter manage, upload their profile photo, fill out their bio and then send out their first Tweet. What’s not so simple, however, is developing your own Twitter account and turning it into a real tool that generates leads and builds up your own brand. Growing an actual following on Twitter takes over sending out Tweets if your organization has a product being released or an upcoming occasion. It’s about participating with your target audience and interacting together. Successful Twitter promotion is powerful. If you may become an expert in this fast-paced social networking site, you will unlock new opportunities to cultivate your business on the internet.


What Makes Twitter Different:::

 Your approach to each social networking site should be different. By way of instance, your Twitter advertising strategy isn’t likely to be exactly the same as your own Pinterest or Facebook marketing program. Understanding how Twitter works and where it fits in the social networking landscape will shape how that you use it. Sharing information and articles Interacting with consumers Networking Branding Reputation management As you can see, most of these activities must do with interactions. It’s not necessarily just about broadcasting your articles such as Instagram or even Pinterest, for instance. Bear this in mind as we continue with the rest of this manual and get into the nitty-gritty of Twitter advertising. We are going to discuss actual Twitter marketing strategies which will allow you to be successful, and the steps that you want to take to advertise like the pros. If you are interested in how to advertise your business on Twitter, then continue reading.Image result for twitter marketing strategies

Twitter Chats: The Untapped Market:::

However, the question you should really be asking is “how can I get more energetic Twitter followers?” We have been pushing Twitter chats for quite some time now, also it’s nice to see a good deal of marketers slowly start to understand the power of Twitter chats when it comes to gaining active followers. The reason Twitter chats are so effective is that the people who take part in these are the ones that enjoy actively participating in the social networking. Instead, these people use Twitter for the purpose that it was intended for, which is to socialize. These will be the types of users that will respond to a Tweets, Retweet your articles and also amplify your message. To get started, look for Twitter chats associated with your industry. If you are in the advertising industry or target business owners and entrepreneurs, Chloe West assemble a fantastic resource of the latest Twitter chats around topics such as content promotion, social networking, and business. And you may always use Google as well. Can not locate any Twitter chats to your industry? The trick to success with Twitter chats is to become more than a spectator. You need to add value to this conversation and also differentiate yourself. By way of instance, instead of just Tweeting text, why don’t you produce a special picture instead? Tools such as Canva make it extremely easy to make a beautiful Twitter picture in a couple minutes. Another suggestion that’ll earn you participated followers through Twitter chats is to respond to other chatters. Nearly all your own Tweets should be replies to other people. Do not neglect to @mention them so that they get a notification. Lastly, follow the newest connections you make throughout the chats. Produce a Twitter list for every Twitter chat you take part in and add the users you’ve participated with into the list. Then start to Retweet, favorite and answer their own Tweets and share their articles. Do not allow the relationships die following the Twitter conversation is finished.Image result for twitter marketing strategies

Plan Ahead:::

Planning ahead for holidays and special events can provide you the time to craft premium quality articles to take advantage of trending hashtags and topics. For instance, we all know hashtags such as #Halloween, #Thanksgiving, and #Christmas will probably be trending as it gets closer to those dates. Instead of waiting until a couple of days earlier, start inventing campaigns at least two to three weeks ahead of time. Use our Hashtag Holidays Calendar for find a look at upcoming holidays it is possible to Tweet about. When the special evening comes up, follow some trending hashtags about the occasion and do some actual time marketing also. That is only one of the essential benefits of using Twitter. You have to send out articles as events are happening instead of being required to wait till after the momentum has expired.

Create Tweets Conversational:::

The way a great deal of brands Tweet is quite one dimensional. Their Tweets are essentially just broadcasts, which is not exactly what Twitter is about as we mentioned previously. Your own Tweets shouldn’t consist of just headlines with a connection, inspirational quotes or humorous statements. Similar to going ahead, you should also have a set posting schedule on your own Twitter account. Your Tweeting schedule should detail exactly what and when you intend on Tweeting. Your strategy should summarize things such as when you are likely to Tweet links to your new posts and other updates. It’s a fantastic idea to include this as the component of your overall content strategy, especially if you publish articles across several different platforms such as a blog, YouTube, guest posts and media exposure. A benefit of getting a set Tweeting strategy is that are able to avoid mistakes such as just Tweeting out links to a blog post after. Generally, this is among the biggest mistakes brands have a tendency to create on social networking, but it’s especially bad on Twitter. The issue with Tweeting out links to your articles just once is that most people will not see it. You want to space your Tweets to improve your visibility, and also to ensure as many people as possible are able to see your content. The upcoming logical question is when should you snore? Sprout Social really has a built-in feature that takes care of this issue for you. The Viral Post feature chooses the most optimum times that you share updates depending on if your followers are busy. The Viral Post feature is faster and a much more convenient way to deal with your social networking publishing. And in addition to this, you are more inclined to acquire engagement around your Tweets because there’s a greater prospect of people actually seeing them!Image result for twitter conversation

Twitter Video:::

Twitter may not be the first platform you think about when it comes to video promotion, however it’s not something you should overlook. First, you may use Twitter’s native movie feature. This allows you to capture videos up to 140 seconds long and upload them straight to your own Twitter stream. A second option is to use Periscope, and it is a live streaming program possessed by Twitter. Periscope integrates to the Twitter so that your live streams show up on your followers’ Twitter feeds. When the stream is finished, the listing is still available for people to watch. Live video out of Twitter’s content partners attained 31 million views in Q4 2016, so it’s safe to say your followers are probably interested in consuming your videos. The newest uses the GE Reports Twitter Manage to showcase what’s happening behind the scenes in the business. So Periscope is the perfect method to provide followers a sneak peek in real time. Consider ways your brand may add video to your Twitter advertising strategy. Have a look at this guide to have some ideas.

Set Goals & Milestones:::

If you are like us, you have probably read several Twitter advertising tips on the internet. However, for some reason, this critical suggestion gets glossed over or totally forgotten. No advertising strategy is complete with no measurable goals you need to realize. An astounding 41 percent of companies don’t have any idea whether their social networking efforts are functioning or not. A huge reason for that amount is companies are not keeping tabs on the activity, and have not set any type of objectives for that which they would like to attain on Twitter. Instead, businesses just publish articles and hope that something happens to improve their own brand. The publish and pray approach simply will not cut it. First, you will want to set some objectives and goals onto Twitter: Build a engaged following Respond to customer complaints faster Generate leads Get More Visitors to your website Then, you’ll establish accomplishments which tie in with those objectives: Increased mentions a Retweets by 15 percent Improve traffic from Twitter from 30 percent Add at least 100 new contacts out of Twitter, Of course, all your goals should include a specified deadline. This might be weekly, monthly, quarterly or whatever works best suited to the industry. Use a social networking management tool such as Sprout Social and also a website analytics tool such as Google Analytics to measure your activity and monitor your own goal’s progress.

Social Media Advertising Tips

tampasocialmediamarketing2Social networking can make or break a business. Each provider is either about a renowned social sharing website, or they’re trying their best to enter it. It gets easier with social networking advertising in Dallas to promote your new to larger audiences and that too within a budget.

Social networking is currently the mainstream method of promoting a product so many large businesses invest thousands of dollars per month to market their services or products. Listed below are a Couple of social networking advertising tips to help you

Be Creative

If you would like to market something on social networking, you need to be creative and think out of the box. Just take the instance of big brands; they always incorporate regular events to advertise their products. Do something similar to this. If your manner of advertising is different from it sure will bring in a lot of people.Think-creative

Take Risks

risk_mgmtTo be able to think out of this box you’ll need to take risks. Hire professionals to acquire fresh ideas about ways to advertise your product or service in a different manner.

Spend Money On Social Networking

The best aspect of social networking advertising Dallas is that platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are inexpensive platforms which have quite a great deal of users. So this is a superb chance to receive your message across to a large audience at a fast and cost-effective method. Each year we see just how large companies spend so much money on social networking marketing campaigns.

How To Advertise Social Networking

The two most popular social media sites are Facebook and Twitter.


The advertising cost is extremely low that is why a lot of people opt for it. It is possible to take the advantage of this minimal cost in two ways. Firstly, you may earn a fan page and socialize with the people who have enjoyed your web page. Secondly, you may produce advertisements that the users can easily see if they access their site. Continue reading20161227-facebook-1200x630


It’s possible to start a viral marketing effort by earning your business a trending topic, which will give it lots of exposure.  If you are interested in how to advertise your business on Twitter, then continue reading.Twitter-Bird-Fly-Away-Wallpaper

Tips On Advertising On Twitter and Facebook

• Learn which site is more popular amongst your target people and Advertise your product there,

• Keep a track of their advertisement campaigns. Facebook shows reports of the number of likes and activity onto your own page.

• Keep your audience participated by uploading applicable pictures, gives, memes and videos on Facebook and Twitter.

Video Submission Sites List 2018 (With PA, DA, Moz Rank and Alexa Rank)

Free Video Submission Sites List 2017:

Submitting your videos on video submission sites not only helps with building brand awareness but also provides highly valuable backlinks for your site. Video submission for creating backlinks is an extremely popular content syndication strategy. Most bloggers and web marketers are well versed with submitting their videos on YouTube. But, why limit yourself to a single website when there are hundreds of opportunities.

Here, we are presenting 50+ High DA Free Video Submission Sites List 2017 to help you make most of your content syndication strategy.

Why Videos?

If you haven’t already heard, video content is an important consideration for all brands on social. Video content is presently the most engaging form of content on social and predictions are that its popularity would continue to increase. As per a recent study, it is predicted that 70% of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video by 2020. So why do people love video over text content? What makes video content so popular? Here are the simple reasons:

  • Most people don’t like reading long posts
  • Videos are more engaging and attractive
  • Videos have better compatibility with different devices (smartphones, laptops etc.).
  • People love sharing videos on social media
  • A video is worth 1.8 million wordsvideo_submission

video submission

SEO Benefits of Video Submission

Video submission is one of the best SEO technique which can improve your rankings and also drive traffic to your blogs and website. However, it is important that you submit your videos to sites which have High PA, DA, Moz Rank and Alexa Rank. Some of the important SEO benefits of video submission on High DA Free Video Submission Sites are listed here,

  • Video submission is one of the best methods to build high authority backlinks
  • It is an important part of the off-page SEO strategy
  • Videos can help drive relevant traffic to your posts
  • People are three times more likely to link to videos
  • Videos tend to get viral and acquire quality backlinks
  • Videos convey that you wish to communicate something important

When you create your profile on video submission sites, you can add a link to your website.

Guidelines for Video Submission

First and foremost you need to create a good quality video. Some of the popular types of videos are:

  • Discussion with a co-host on a controversial topic
  • Interviewing an influencer or expert in your niche
  • ‘How to’ videos or tutorials
  • Product review or unboxing videos

There are certain guidelines which you should follow while submitting your videos on High DA Free Video Submission Sites. These guidelines would help you rank your videos on Google Video, Youtube, and other video sites:

  • Including your keywords in the title and description of your videos
  • Make sure the keywords appear natural to crawlers and bots
  • Use a catchy title to improve the click rate in feed or search results
  • Write a thorough and relevant description
  • Tag and categorize your videos correctly as per your niche
  • Make your video embeddable

Top 5 High DA Free Video Submission Sites List 2017

  1. YouTube
  2. Vimeo
  3. Dailymotion
  4. Metacafe
  5. DropShots


50+ High DA Free Video Submission Sites List 2017

Free Video Submission Sites List 2017 PA DA Moz Rank Alexa Rank
plus.google.com 96.5 100.0 7.9 1
youtube.com 96.5 100.0 7.8 2
flickr.com 93.6 100.0 7.3 6
netflix.com 83.0 92.7 6.2 32
Twitch.tv 87.9 92.5 6.4 44
dailymotion.com 81.6 95.7 6.3 123
vimeo.com 97.3 98.4 7.9 135
aol.com 85.3 98.6 6.5 273
hulu.com 80.3 90.9 6.3 352
rediff.com 64.8 83.2 5.9 468
4shared.com 69.3 84.3 5.7 616
sapo.pt 59.8 79.0 5.7 916
YouKU.com 81.1 92.3 6.0 1059
liveleak.com 60.4 81.4 5.2 1070
PhotoBucket.com 92.3 91.3 7.2 1342
MySpace.com 95.8 98.1 7.3 3463
collegehumor.com 63.7 83.3 5.6 3789
ustream.tv 77.0 94.4 5.8 3956
izlesene.com 55.5 66.0 5.4 4407
ning.com 66.3 87.0 5.6 4767
tinypic.com 89.4 87.1 7.0 4987
tv.com 63.4 83.6 5.9 5340
younow.com 56.0 65.3 5.2 6088
fark.com 67.5 78.9 6.0 6243
break.com 62.8 79.1 5.4 7692
veoh.com 62.2 77.9 5.9 9022
metacafe.com 64.7 82.1 5.7 10790
vine.co 92.2 90.3 6.7 12386
crackle.com 66.8 75.0 5.4 12389
funnyordie.com 71.5 84.4 6.3 13404
brightcove.com 75.0 84.2 7.1 18149
blinkx.com 59.6 69.5 4.9 24728
jibjab.com 61.4 72.2 6.0 38253
GrindTV.com 53.4 73.3 4.9 45690
godtube.com 57.4 68.6 5.2 46346
teachertube.com 66.2 72.6 5.5 49505
fotki.com 56.2 61.9 5.2 50704
Viewster.com 53.8 67.1 5.8 62663
viddler.com 64.3 78.9 6.0 82719
dropshots.com 56.5 56.0 4.9 104555
myvideo.de 57.0 81.0 5.2 109887
buzznet.com 56.3 77.9 5.2 141650
Vube.com 46.8 41.7 4.6 143657
StupidVideos.com 54.1 56.6 4.7 328464
blip.tv 87.2 84.2 6.2 352735
getmiro.com 63.6 72.2 6.0 381952
indiavideo.org 38.3 36.7 3.6 511567
viemo.com 45.1 38.0 5.0 572542
oneindia.in 50.1 59.5 5.1 792128
ClipMoon.com 43.9 37.3 4.0 1817851
sciencestage.com 54.8 45.9 5.5 2014959
expotv.com 50.5 52.5 4.3 2932663


What to do Next? Market Your Videos!

After you have submitted your video, it is important that you spread awareness about them. Some strategies which you can use for marketing your video content:
  • Reach out to relevant blogs in your niche
  • Send emails to your subscribers
  • Share them on your social media accounts
  • Post your videos to http://Reddit.com/r/Videos
  • Bookmark your videos on High DA Social Bookmarking Sites
  • Leverage your existing relationships with other bloggers, experts, and influencers

Hope you find our 50+ High DA Free Video Submission Sites List useful as part of your SEO strategy. If you use any other websites for submitting your videos, then please let us know in the comments.Next:::

Article Submission Sites 2018 (With PA, DA, MOZ Rank and Alexa Rank)

175+ High DA Free Article Submission Sites 2017: 

Article Submission on High DA Article Submission Sites plays a very important role in off page SEO. Many new bloggers are not aware of the fact that all major search engines like Google love article submission websites as the content on these sites are high quality. So my recommendation to all new bloggers is to submit at least 2-3 high-quality articles on these sites to see a drastic improvement in search engine performance of your new blog.

You can create as many backlinks as you want. However, you need to use the right anchor text for your keywords to beat the competition in search engine rankings. We recommend using:want50462-1tuaFo1493262921


What is Article Submission?

Article submission refers to the writing of high-quality articles which are related to your blog and then submitting these articles on High PR article submission websites or directories. The main aim of Article Submission is to improve search engine ranking of your blog and increase website traffic through organic searches. As most of these article submission websites are free, you don’t need to incur a significant cost for additional traffic. Article Submission is considered one of the most trusted and effective SEO techniques

Advantages of submitting articles on High DA Free Article Submission Sites:

  • Improve ranking of your blog in major search engines
  • Create long-term backlinks from High PR sites
  • Establish your self as expert in your area and improve Domain Authority of your blog
  • If you write a great article, it may become viral!
  • Establish relationship with readers and increase the popularity of your blogwriting-community-blog-article

Guide to Article Submission for SEO

You may use these steps as a guide for publishing high-quality articles:

  • Identify and make a list of Free High PR Dofollow Article Submission Sites
  • Register on these sites with your email address
  • Select the right category under which you wish to submit your article
  • Complete your profile with image and author information
  • Remember to include a link to your website and your keywords in author resource box
  • Articles should be original, grammatically correct and 500 to 700 words
  • While writing the article, please remember to include your keywords in the body of the article
  • You can use SEMrush (you can start for free) to find best keywords for your article
  • Submit your article for approval on the article submission site
  • Once the moderator approves your article, it would be published on the site and you would be notified by email

175+ High DA Free Article Submission Sites

S No High DA Free Article Submission Sites 2017 PA DA Moz Rank Alexa Rank
1 sites.google.com 95.37 100 7.73 1
2 tumblr.com 94.49 99.32 7.41 47
3 github.com 95.76 98.39 7.18 59
4 livejournal.com 83.78 94.01 6.68 257
5 evernote.com 91.74 91.78 6.55 410
6 wattpad.com 63.89 79.66 5.42 500
7 seekingalpha.com 89.7 87.18 6.3 1629
8 zimbio.com 58.53 80.26 5.21 3584
9 dzone.com 85.64 82.77 6.33 3886
10 ehow.com 67.56 90.77 6.01 4925
11 hubpages.com 89.96 88.11 6.58 6265
12 storify.com 92.71 91.12 6.54 8136
13 biggerpockets.com/articles 33.4 68.43 3.12 10365
14 ezinearticles.com 90.15 87.73 6.65 11713
15 free-ebooks.net 53.59 68.67 5.4 14332
16 brighthub.com 52.34 67.42 6.46 23512
17 buzzle.com 55.97 74.82 5.1 33940
18 newsvine.com 65.68 90.8 5.43 34880
19 selfgrowth.com 60.14 77.09 5.61 35975
20 apsense.com 49.98 62.13 5.08 39663
21 examiner.com 82.08 88.27 6.09 42650
22 squidoo.com 67.6 89.72 5.31 43076
23 merchantcircle.com 58.51 84.59 5.01 43564
24 bysharing.com 32.41 22.28 3.56 47867
25 articles.org 51.07 44.57 4.8 57368
26 Inspire.com 53.44 64.8 4.82 61325
27 thefreelibrary.com 53.41 81.63 5.16 66702
28 sooperarticles.com 50.14 50.79 5.11 70047
29 articlesfactory.com 54.34 61.4 5.03 76235
30 artipot.com 46.92 43.52 4.98 95300
31 storeboard.com 48.43 53.77 4.34 102118
32 technorati.com 94.65 97.36 7.17 109375
33 evancarmichael.com 54.69 62.97 4.93 112552
34 articlecube.com 50.68 48.96 4.88 117877
35 infobarrel.com 51.63 55.95 4.88 123373
36 directory.r-tt.com 64.69 65.73 6.93 129736
37 articlesbase.com 55.73 78.59 5.22 136261
38 articles.pubarticles.com 42.42 45.56 3.79 142039
39 usalistingdirectory.com 47.14 64.35 3.89 153617
40 constant-content.com 51.23 50.64 4.36 155487
41 123articleonline.com 43.12 32.98 4.42 166227
42 marketinginternetdirectory.com 44.13 54.55 3.61 174789
43 sitepromotiondirectory.com 53.32 59.66 4.26 175620
44 isnare.com 52.36 61.65 4.89 178456
45 businessseek.biz 50.14 54.3 4.67 185843
46 highrankdirectory.com 43.7 55.5 3.63 196472
47 articlesphere.com 45.2 39.7 4.15 204456
48 thewhir.com 58.19 73.52 5.16 207181
49 articlecity.com 53.47 58.66 5.02 213726
50 articlebiz.com 45.31 44.54 3.59 214498
51 bukisa.com 48.63 54.6 4.42 225920
52 amazines.com 54.49 51.48 5.47 229053
53 prolinkdirectory.com 49.63 49.26 3.55 235235
54 webwire.com 52.81 66.57 4.77 236819
55 ukinternetdirectory.net 46.48 52.4 4.63 264123
56 pusha.se 51 60.82 4.47 284723
57 earticlesonline.com 42.39 36.76 4.16 304513
58 articlealley.com 54.3 57.55 4.63 308866
59 idleexperts.com 38.98 31.5 5.75 311119
60 ezinemark.com 62.05 67.48 5.7 319419
61 articleslash.net 45.28 37.17 3.39 328750
62 streetarticles.com 45.47 39.54 4.58 330076
63 easy-articles.com 40.09 29.03 3.06 334563
64 powerhomebiz.com 49.28 51.85 4.29 337634
65 otherarticles.com 40.53 29.29 3.23 339492
66 articledashboard.com 52.89 62.14 4.85 347416
67 articlesbd.com 41.72 31.72 3.05 358665
68 prleap.com 51.54 62.68 4.44 380221
69 articles.studio9xb.com 38.74 35.25 3.34 385713
70 web-source.net 52.77 55.83 4.93 418407
71 allthewebsites.org 46.7 53.7 3.94 420843
72 triond.com 52.18 45.96 4.87 428168
73 articlecatalog.com 26.49 26.4 3.2 442579
74 readezarchive.com 39.98 29.07 2.68 444472
75 ezinepost.com 35.08 23.89 2.54 448258
76 pr4-articles.com 37.61 27.8 2.83 448356
77 articlekit.com 20.6 18.6 3.35 450634
78 magportal.com 60.98 55.82 6.29 451035
79 articles.submityourarticle.com 50.64 49.75 6.32 455353
80 myarticle.com 34.57 33.8 5.78 472954
81 articlesnatch.com 54.78 56.89 4.8 474237
82 articles.gappoo.com 38.73 35.36 3.03 508284
83 articles.seoforums.me.uk 35.4 30.28 3 527006
84 blogsome.com 56.11 56.05 5.09 533089
85 helium.com 57.73 70.08 4.85 548967
86 openarticles.com 38.95 26.92 4.42 579396
87 threadwatch.org 50.61 52.52 5.5 604927
88 webproworld.com 49.79 54.07 4.33 618691
89 selfseo.com 47.53 49.15 4.79 621988
90 articlicious.com 40.43 32.36 5.46 631303
91 uberarticles.com 43.82 39.96 5.48 635005
92 a1articles.com 46.66 41.5 4.33 651557
93 traveltourismdirectory.net 39.29 50.79 3.21 665191
94 howtoadvice.com 40.42 37.85 3.13 684702
95 ideamarketers.com 57.44 56.08 5.06 712129
96 articleswrap.com 32.27 26.37 4.73 745624
97 dime-co.com 45.9 37.06 3.61 749935
98 bubblews.com 52.27 58.21 4.27 755907
99 suite101.com 71.76 77.24 6.06 793440
100 articlesxpert.com 46.4 36.63 4.4 794784
101 top7business.com 54.61 46.21 6.92 812432
102 work911.com 56.37 48.52 5.5 816899
103 articleclick.com 47.27 40.08 4.79 858674
104 cgidir.com 48.3 44.38 4.11 903561
105 articletrader.com 49.71 50.01 4.87 1016808
106 simplysearch4it.com 42.87 38.84 4.27 1049989
107 bpubs.com 51.18 47.92 4.76 1106979
108 webmasterslibrary.com 43.03 34.51 3.5 1215691
109 upublish.info 48.15 41.61 4.42 1237931
110 themanager.org 34.24 40.6 2.54 1303777
111 rlrouse.com 40.18 44.45 3.47 1426814
112 articlestars.com 43.69 33.42 5.64 1432535
113 articlecirculation.com 46.02 42.35 4.46 1533227
114 articlecompilation.com 43.03 32.59 3.49 1566486
115 approvedarticles.com 37.78 33.46 2.5 1646667
116 articlet.com 25.33 27.41 3.68 1685897
117 edarticle.com 41.93 36.67 3.53 1735961
118 top-affiliate.com 44.93 35.05 4.51 1782038
119 articlecontentking.com 34.82 24.96 3.79 1940882
120 articledoctor.com 42.88 33.26 3.69 2170258
121 articleside.com 22.04 25.59 3.24 2189036
122 informationbible.com 37.98 36.78 4.56 2247910
123 articleseen.com 32.12 32.78 2.65 2315882
124 adarticles.net 31.37 27.08 4.18 2506855
125 presszoom.com 50.14 41.13 5.78 2521599
126 postarticles.com 33.09 25.31 2.5 2558558
127 articlegold.com 36.72 30.57 2.5 2603076
128 articleant.com 40.95 29.91 3.45 2725798
129 yesarticles.com 35.35 26.24 1.82 2742132
130 afreearticle.com 28.75 24.71 2.57 2816126
131 101articles.com 30.37 25.51 3.31 2925988
132 libervis.com 40.71 38.19 4.41 2994936
133 content-articles.com 48.74 39.68 6.42 3052117
134 yooarticles.net 39.42 31.22 4.31 3200270
135 ex-designz.net 40.34 44.62 3.37 3216347
136 articlecell.com 43.17 33.33 3.55 3285645
137 expertarticles.com 42.91 33.16 3.35 3293343
138 populararticles.com 40.22 39.53 3.39 3312432
139 ladypens.com 40.7 33.75 3.65 3567861
140 submitanarticle.info 36.58 24.52 2.75 3705836
141 jazzylook.com 29.37 19.6 1.82 3721251
142 articles411.com 40.57 31.5 3.54 3881063
143 thepr.com.au 34 21.7 4.91 3893548
144 gather.com 59.6 67.43 5.17 3943927
145 articlefree4all.com 32.9 25.76 3.63 3995653
146 articleswale.com 23.98 16.67 3 4064299
147 seosubmitarticle.com 29.76 15.91 3.34 4234843
148 olmaweblinkdirectory.com 35.19 22.9 4.12 4274872
149 wall2wallarticles.com 23.68 16.06 3 4399337
150 free-articles-zone.com 39.53 34.71 3.68 4416149
151 articlerealm.com 28.3 24.94 3.28 4564661
152 articlesforwebsite.com 28.37 15 3.9 4679408
153 nehoiu.org 24.56 10.82 3.9 4733503
154 articlejoe.com 41.7 32.34 3.71 4825906
155 gruks.com 33.51 26.3 3.13 5414266
156 articlemonkeys.com 37.79 27.52 3.04 5465116
157 textiledegree.com 26.73 19.11 1.82 5501717
158 qwesz.com 29.28 27.4 2.54 5894015
159 thetexasjobsource.com 30.02 28.15 2.96 6047213
160 thewhir.info 23.05 14.11 3 6120867
161 article-hut.com 31.94 30.97 2.68 6127699
162 articledunia.com 29.3 35.36 3.43 6316464
163 datasoftsystem.com 41.34 37.25 3.5 6456845
164 sdcouncil.com 28.88 15.26 3.55 6563905
165 articlepdq.com 24.45 28.48 2.94 6573389
166 ezine-articles-planet.com 25.5 28.51 3.28 6687523
167 thehealthyvillage.com 30.74 23.31 2.5 6832482
168 mymedicenter.com 26.88 21.52 3.53 7673579
169 easyarticles.com 44.28 38.28 3.59 8873574
170 homebiztools.com 48.98 43.88 5.87 10291248
171 tongshu.net 28.86 30.66 3.81 10379900
172 articlesdir.org 26.28 20.25 4.15 10521770
173 allinclusivelinks.com 31.61 22.25 2.94 11429763
174 goarticles.com 69.66 68.65 5.35 11480037
175 articlerich.com 48.82 47.29 4.8 13695829
176 writerspenarticledirectory.com 25.85 20.15 2.54 14179866



Submitting high-quality articles on Article Submission sites is one of the most trustworthy and time-tested SEO technique to boost the traffic to your site. One of the keys to successful SEO is to find right keywords and automate as much of the process as you can.

Once you have created backlinks by submitting some fresh articles to article submission sites, we recommend that you:

If you are using any other high-quality article submission sites, to create backlinks then please let us know via comments section.


Directory Submission Sites List 2018 (With Alexa Rank and Alive Check)

Directory Submission Sites: 

Submitting your blog or website on a web directory is one the most effective ways to create high-quality backlinks to your website. However, you need to be cautious and avoid submitting links to spammy directories. That’s why we have prepared this directory submission list (with Alexa rank) to help you optimize your directory submission process. Generally, lower the Alexa rank of a directory, higher is the quality of that directory.

So we recommend that you start by submitting your blog or website to directories with highest Alexa rank and then move down the directory submission list. This way you can get the highest quality backlinks first and quickly improve the rank of your blog or website in search engines.

What is Directory Submission?

Simply speaking, Directory Submission is the process of building backlinks to your blog or website by using directory submission sites. If you want to build a high number of backlinks with a variety of anchor texts, then directory submission is one of the fastest and most effective ways. In fact, Directory Submission is the perfect way of building a strong foundation of backlinks for any blog or website.

Importance of Directory Submission

If someone asked you the biggest problem which you faced in improving your website’s traffic, what would you say? Well, most people would say search engine rankings. But to improve your website’s rank in search engines, you need to build a significant number of backlinks pointing towards your blog or website! You can easily achieve this by submitting your blog or website to various high-quality general or niche directories.

Directory submission sites being the cornerstone of any SEO strategy, help improve the rank of your blog or website in search engine rank pages (SERPs). Improved rankings in search engines can drive unlimited free traffic to your blog or website.

The importance of Directory Submission for SEO can be summarized as:

  • Gets high-quality backlinks from other websites
  • Helps in optimizing anchor text
  • Increases the domain authority of your site
  • Improves search engine rankings
  • Improves popularity of your blog or website
  • Increases the traffic to your siteweb directory

Types of Directory Submission Sites

It is important to understand different types of directory submission sites so that you can select as per your requirement. There are three main types: Free, Paid, and Reciprocal Directory Submission Sites.

Free Directory Submission Sites: 

Submitting your blog these directories doesn’t involve any cost. As the name suggests, these directories are free. However, there is no assurance of your site getting reviewed or approved by the administrator. Hence building backlinks through free directory submission sites takes slightly more time and effort.497840-1I6TnM1481531396

Paid Directory Submission Sites: 

You have to pay a certain fee to submit your blog or website with paid directories. However, most paid directories approve the submission and provide you a backlink within 24 hours. These paid directories are very useful when you need to get backlinks quickly.Directory-Bootstrap-Website-Template

Reciprocal Directory Submission Sites: 

Such reciprocal directories require you to add a link to your own blog or website before approval by directory’s administrator. Once the directory submission site’s administrator is able to validate their link on your site, they approve your submission.

Guide to Directory Submission for SEO

Submitting your blog or website to various sites on our directory submission list would require you to fill a lot of submission forms. We recommend that you use some web browser plugin or extension to auto-fill the forms for you. This would help you save a lot of time and effort.

  • Here is the step by step guide for creating backlinks using our directory submission list:
  • Read the guidelines carefully on the submission page
  • Select the main category which best fits the topic of your blog or website
  • Then narrow down and select the sub-category which is most appropriate
  • Always select the sub-category. Never leave it blank.
  • Fill the complete submission form carefully as per guidelines
  • Click the submit button to submit your site
  • Usually, after you submit, you will get a confirmation message. For example, ‘Submitted and waiting for approval’.
  • If there is a submission URL, then save it for future reference
  • Move to next site on the directory submission list and submit your website

There is no doubt that directory submission sites are one of the most effective strategies for building backlinks. However, it is important to be cautious and avoid spammy directories. Search engines have become selective about the quality of backlinks and give more weight to backlinks from directory submission sites with high Alexa rank.

That’s why we have prepared this high-quality directory submission list with Alexa rank so that you can best optimize your link building effort. Start submitting your website to directories with high Alexa rank so that you get the highest quality backlinks first

350+ Free Directory Submission Sites List (With Alexa Rank)

S No. Directory Submission List Alexa Rank Alive Check 
1 activesearchresults.com 50693 Yes
2 entireweb.com 54596 Yes
3 dmoz.org 76059 Yes
4 bizsugar.com 98914 Yes
5 bookmark4you.com 104476 Yes
6 gigablast.com 109103 Yes
7 exactseek.com 113778 Yes
8 secretsearchenginelabs.com 131726 Yes
9 viesearch.com 150564 Yes
10 somuch.com 150767 Yes
11 jayde.com 163604 Yes
12 usalistingdirectory.com 165772 Yes
13 linkcentre.com 166077 Yes
14 addurl.nu 168423 Yes
15 intelseek.com 171484 Yes
16 a1webdirectory.org 172663 Yes
17 sociopost.com 177804 Yes
18 dizila.com 184234 Yes
19 infotiger.com 185512 Yes
20 botid.org 186409 Yes
21 sonicrun.com 187601 Yes
22 sitepromotiondirectory.com 188647 Yes
23 marketinginternetdirectory.com 194016 Yes
24 businessseek.biz 197862 Yes
25 abc-directory.com 211009 Yes
26 highrankdirectory.com 212328 Yes
27 usgeo.org 217576 Yes
28 1abc.org 217680 Yes
29 addbusiness.net 217735 Yes
30 ranaf.com 218706 Yes
31 cipinet.com 219379 Yes
32 yemle.com 220797 Yes
33 submissionwebdirectory.com 221577 Yes
34 firstppt.com 222089 Yes
35 ananar.com 225961 Yes
36 freeticketopen.com 225979 Yes
37 onlinesociety.org 227667 Yes
38 livepopular.com 227817 Yes
39 indofeed.com 228225 Yes
40 zebralinks.com 228929 Yes
41 seodirectoryonline.org 229728 Yes
42 bestseodirectory.net 230117 Yes
43 siteswebdirectory.com 232711 Yes
44 generalshoppingdirectory.com 233230 Yes
45 generalbusinesswebdirectory.com 233249 Yes
46 directory-free.com 233703 Yes
47 thinkfla.com 233845 Yes
48 1websdirectory.com 234135 Yes
49 elitesitesdirectory.com 234814 Yes
50 onemilliondirectory.com 235390 Yes
51 nonar.com 235552 Yes
52 bedwan.com 235624 Yes
53 freetoprankdirectory.com 236224 Yes
54 happal.com 237266 Yes
55 momsdirectory.net 237514 Yes
56 mastermoz.com 237796 Yes
57 obln.org 240014 Yes
58 acewebdirectory.com 240530 Yes
59 freedirectorysubmit.com 241478 Yes
60 247webdirectory.com 241632 Yes
61 royallinkup.com 242566 Yes
62 hdvconnect.com 242651 Yes
63 wldirectory.com 244029 Yes
64 wewebware.com 244306 Yes
65 directoryseo.biz 244334 Yes
66 handtucher.net 244823 Yes
67 evolvingcritic.com 245895 Yes
68 link-minded.com 247416 Yes
69 prolinkdirectory.com 247512 Yes
70 jewana.com 248367 Yes
71 alistdirectory.com 248784 Yes
72 busybits.com 250438 Yes
73 usawebsitesdirectory.com 250506 Yes
74 loadspy.com 251285 Yes
75 bari.biz 253001 Yes
76 linkpedia.net 254478 Yes
77 mugro.info 255574 Yes
78 eslovar.com 256607 Yes
79 thalesdirectory.com 256719 Yes
80 info-listings.com 256902 Yes
81 idahoindex.com 260049 Yes
82 amray.com 261090 Yes
83 galyeannursery.com 261615 Yes
84 likeddot.com 263034 Yes
85 generaldirectorylistings.org 264019 Yes
86 synergy-directory.com 265020 Yes
87 one-sublime-directory.com 265030 Yes
88 bobresources.com 265129 Yes
89 mettablog.com 266604 Yes
90 dondir.com 268292 Yes
91 10directory.com 272835 Yes
92 add-oncon.com 275136 Yes
93 vip7star.com 275589 Yes
94 ewebresource.com 278903 Yes
95 cirdra.com 279677 Yes
96 weboworld.com 281120 Yes
97 braniewo.net 282695 Yes
98 thedirectorylistings.org 283278 Yes
99 linkroo.com 283913 Yes
100 tsection.com 284770 Yes
101 linkdir4u.com 284877 Yes
102 openfaves.com 285613 Yes
103 alive-directory.com 288927 Yes
104 alabamaindex.com 292788 Yes
105 bestdirectory4you.com 293715 Yes
106 triplewdirectory.com 294539 Yes
107 canadawebdir.com 294695 Yes
108 caida.eu 300258 Yes
109 dir.org.vn 302413 Yes
110 directoryworld.net 304190 Yes
111 ellysdirectory.com 305031 Yes
112 zexro.info 306270 Yes
113 mioola.com 306580 Yes
114 1m1.biz 306701 Yes
115 targetsviews.com 310104 Yes
116 digabusiness.com 311966 Yes
117 promotehour.com 312328 Yes
118 blahoo.net 313384 Yes
119 linkslive.info 315158 Yes
120 master.org.in 315359 Yes
121 h-log.com 315808 Yes
122 ezistreet.com 319827 Yes
123 ecctrade.com 324650 Yes
124 thedailysubmit.com 325687 Yes
125 freewebsitedirectory.com 330696 Yes
126 marketingwebdirectory.com 334284 Yes
127 weddo.info 335937 Yes
128 linkspurt.com 337697 Yes
129 linkdirectorylistings.org 339209 Yes
130 directoryws.com 341451 Yes
131 textlinkdirectory.com 344081 Yes
132 abacusseo.com 348584 Yes
133 hydeparkbooks.com 356198 Yes
134 ourss.org 357183 Yes
135 directory.edu.vn 359419 Yes
136 gtsee.com 359711 Yes
137 businessfreedirectory.biz 362770 Yes
138 nexusdirectory.com 364049 Yes
139 beegdirectory.com 365006 Yes
140 pr8directory.com 365564 Yes
141 web-directory-site.com 367663 Yes
142 jeitacave.net 370607 Yes
143 joeant.com 372020 Yes
144 wlddirectory.com 375199 Yes
145 dracodirectory.com 382088 Yes
146 pr3plus.com 383840 Yes
147 thewebdirectory.org 385875 Yes
148 finest4.com 386967 Yes
149 directory5.org 388679 Yes
150 towebmaster.net 388888 Yes
151 einternetindex.com 390250 Yes
152 tgp-internet.com 395575 Yes
153 taurusdirectory.com 396762 Yes
154 businessfreedirectory.com 401344 Yes
155 add-page.com 408546 Yes
156 techvalleysciencecenter.com 411121 Yes
157 directorywebbsites.com 417537 Yes
158 morefunz.com 418501 Yes
159 ecesummit.com 419429 Yes
160 piseries.com 419833 Yes
161 linkaddurl.com 421163 Yes
162 theseoking.com 423030 Yes
163 edom.co.uk 423283 Yes
164 all-products-services.com 429657 Yes
165 herlight.com 429819 Yes
166 zoock.net 432726 Yes
167 visionwebdirectory.com 434210 Yes
168 webdirectory1.biz 434682 Yes
169 submit2ukdirectory.com 437744 Yes
170 acrpe.com 439211 Yes
171 txtlinks.com 441279 Yes
172 directorylane.com 442145 Yes
173 canopusdirectory.com 446434 Yes
174 cidideas.com 448720 Yes
175 classdirectory.org 459568 Yes
176 dir-submitter.info 467035 Yes
177 sergiuungureanu.com 471082 Yes
178 productselectoren.com 471371 Yes
179 diamondoa.org 479414 Yes
180 alligatordirectory.com 484793 Yes
181 yellowlinker.com 487106 Yes
182 suggest-url.net 501493 Yes
183 webdirectory.co.in 515649 Yes
184 generalwebdirectory.org 517738 Yes
185 bestfreewebsites.net 537425 Yes
186 dmoz.org.in 542611 Yes
187 globaldir.org 547465 Yes
188 myb2b.in 549089 Yes
189 directoryfire.com 551858 Yes
190 bg-best.info 555182 Yes
191 directorystaff.com 557002 Yes
192 blpdirectory.info 560182 Yes
193 uniquetitles.com 561260 Yes
194 goguides.org 566787 Yes
195 urltrawler.com 567662 Yes
196 businez24by7.com 572640 Yes
197 pinklinker.com 573694 Yes
198 submitlink.com.ar 581690 Yes
199 moderntopdirectory.org 588866 Yes
200 skaffe.com 590402 Yes
201 olxdirectory.com 594256 Yes
202 magpiedirectory.com 601082 Yes
203 list-listings.org 603518 Yes
204 gimpsy.com 603566 Yes
205 nta-tu.com 605019 Yes
206 unamenlinea.info 606772 Yes
207 onewebdirectory.com 609268 Yes
208 leadinglinkdirectory.com 613224 Yes
209 gosearchdirectory.com 613551 Yes
210 athenelinks.com 616557 Yes
211 bubbleplex.com 618000 Yes
212 corpdirectory.info 619347 Yes
213 pelicandirectory.com 621383 Yes
214 monsterdirectory.com.ar 622042 Yes
215 nuclearland.com 633326 Yes
216 dealdirectory.com 634491 Yes
217 quickdirectory.biz 635532 Yes
218 ayroo.com 635760 Yes
219 allbusinessdirectory.biz 636611 Yes
220 the-net-directory.com 638069 Yes
221 abstractdirectory.com 639848 Yes
222 redlinker.com 644337 Yes
223 namedirectory.com.ar 648528 Yes
224 netinsert.com 651302 Yes
225 internetdirectory1.org 666037 Yes
226 seowebdir.net 667638 Yes
227 submitfreeurl.com 672629 Yes
228 reliancedir.com 675092 Yes
229 vipdig.com 682550 Yes
230 hamsterdirectory.com 686087 Yes
231 webgain.org 689034 Yes
232 cafelaunch.com 698074 Yes
233 incrawler.com 706117 Yes
234 starsdirectory.com.ar 706280 Yes
235 seodeeplinks.net 714736 Yes
236 020.co.uk 718575 Yes
237 nipao.org 751017 Yes
238 greylinker.com 756555 Yes
239 ukdirectory.com.ar 756860 Yes
240 dirjet.com 762465 Yes
241 7starsdirectory.com 762474 Yes
242 5submission.com 765575 Yes
243 clickdmoz.com 773339 Yes
244 gtglax.net 778911 Yes
245 addnewlink.com.ar 785878 Yes
246 linkdirectory.com.ar 789239 Yes
247 000directory.com.ar 791202 Yes
248 10directory.info 797689 Yes
249 dirfaith.com 801639 Yes
250 hawkdirectory.com 807798 Yes
251 prdirectory.com.ar 811358 Yes
252 submitfreeurl.net 818055 Yes
253 demokratene.net 818936 Yes
254 linkdir.info 820217 Yes
255 websiteslist.org 832876 Yes
256 stare-at.com 833602 Yes
257 inteligentd.com 842977 Yes
258 workdirectory.info 866233 Yes
259 itzalist.com 866604 Yes
260 businesspremium.biz 874161 Yes
261 mywebdirectory.com.ar 876258 Yes
262 thegreatdirectory.org 880000 Yes
263 vipdirectory.com.ar 887539 Yes
264 goworkable.com 897161 Yes
265 searchdirectory.info 902711 Yes
266 d-i-r.com 912121 Yes
267 topdirectorylinks.com 913082 Yes
268 pantherdirectory.com 922842 Yes
269 spiffysearch.com 945610 Yes
270 mintdir.com 948485 Yes
271 visionwebseo.com 952134 Yes
272 drigz.com 987171 Yes
273 urlof.website 996727 Yes
274 wikidweb.com 1006743 Yes
275 limedir.com 1015841 Yes
276 hotcooldir.com 1016829 Yes
277 directory7.biz 1023411 Yes
278 linkshere.com.ar 1034841 Yes
279 addyourwebsite.com.ar 1058770 Yes
280 fastdirectory.com.ar 1060121 Yes
281 weblister.com.ar 1060368 Yes
282 teknikahba.com 1072659 Yes
283 greenstalk.com 1100781 Yes
284 submitfreeurl.info 1104198 Yes
285 vbdirectory.info 1112779 Yes
286 poliana.org 1118831 Yes
287 1dir.biz 1129477 Yes
288 fixasp.com 1148623 Yes
289 oscorpsolutions.com 1149319 Yes
290 dolphinlist.com 1176435 Yes
291 webappsdirectory.com 1191537 Yes
292 spanishtradedirectory.com 1204618 Yes
293 findwebsite.net 1236914 Yes
294 dmozgoogle.com 1257668 Yes
295 canadiandirectory.org 1261459 Yes
296 linkpls.com 1276289 Yes
297 directorymaster.com.ar 1304898 Yes
298 universaldirectory.info 1304925 Yes
299 listinkerala.com 1329767 Yes
300 web-directory-24.com 1335258 Yes
301 faviconstyle.com 1340123 Yes
302 octopedia.com 1366866 Yes
303 abdil.net 1370013 Yes
304 harddirectory.info 1402373 Yes
305 addindirectory.com 1405720 Yes
306 worldsiteindex.com 1419023 Yes
307 splashdirectory.com 1423717 Yes
308 fidofindit.com 1427694 Yes
309 tremblemag.com 1429806 Yes
310 zorg-directory.com 1431911 Yes
311 adopsweb.com 1446855 Yes
312 businesswebdirectory.info 1451803 Yes
313 a1linkin.com 1458273 Yes
314 linkforfree.com.ar 1467192 Yes
315 trulylink.com 1479123 Yes
316 searchinfo.in 1485539 Yes
317 enquira.com 1494469 Yes
318 pedsters-planet.co.uk 1495380 Yes
319 callfor.co.in 1500146 Yes
320 arithum.com 1516155 Yes
321 thetogbox.com 1535742 Yes
322 goaflam.net 1548525 Yes
323 homepagedeal.com 1557154 Yes
324 links2go.com 1569568 Yes
325 submitbusinessdirectory.info 1573933 Yes
326 squidlinks.com 1576165 Yes
327 seolinkwala.com 1604140 Yes
328 xysyst.net 1629242 Yes
329 getlinkdirectory.com 1669730 Yes
330 ewebgazette.com 1678195 Yes
331 u-hits.com 1744498 Yes
332 onyoville.com 1768113 Yes
333 web-host-industry.com 1804629 Yes
334 lepsiasplatka.eu 1904487 Yes
335 rakcha.com 1987467 Yes
336 dataspear.com 2023699 Yes
337 add-url.in 2037580 Yes
338 suggestsite.net 2069404 Yes
339 tradequotes.org 2078350 Yes
340 freewebdirectory.com.ar 2098398 Yes
341 owlib.com 2107449 Yes
342 dirjournal.info 2187795 Yes
343 powerdirectory.com.ar 2419610 Yes
344 ciberespiral.eu 2470599 Yes
345 indiabookmark.com 2897592 Yes
346 boioiong.com 3444342 Yes
347 directoryz.co.uk 4107850 Yes
348 alcoosite.org 4118702 Yes
349 directorywords.com 5594854 Yes
350 phulkitdirectory.co.in 5703825 Yes
351 0directory.com 6584684 Yes
352 globafeat.com 6946878 Yes
353 mynexushunt.com 7025030 Yes
354 azbookmarks.com 7213960 Yes

What to do Next?

After submitting your blog or website to multiple sites on our directory submission list, we recommend that you:

By following these additional steps, you will be able to give maximum exposure to your new backlinks from directory submission sites.Next

Search Engine Submission Sites List 2018

High DA Search Engine Submission Sites List: 

Search engines are the main source of organic traffic on Internet today with Google being most popular. In this article, I am sharing a High DA search engine submission site list to enable blog owners to submit the URL of their blogs. Although a majority of blog owners submit their blogs to Google for Indexing, I would recommend you to submit your blog to other search engines also as it would give you a boost in traffic as well as valuable backlinks.

You can create as many backlinks as you want. However, you need to target the right keywords to improve your search engine rankings. We recommend:

[alert-note]SEMrush to find the best keywords and anchor text for your backlinks.[/alert-note]

What is Search Engine Submission?

Search Engine Submission happens when you submit the URL of your blog to search engine for Crawling and Indexing.


This is the process by which search engine software known as ‘web crawlers’ find publicly available information. For e.g. Google uses a software called ‘Googlebot’ to crawl web pages and the links within those pages to bring the information back to Google.


This is the process by which search engines organize the information. To take the above example forward, once Google has received the information about web pages, Google creates an index of words and their locations so that they can be looked up when required.

60+ High DA Search Engine Submission Sites

S No. Search Engine Submission Sites List
1 https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url
2 http://www.bing.com/toolbox/submit-site-url
3 http://webmaster.yandex.com/addurl.xml
4 http://www.activesearchresults.com/addwebsite.php
5 http://www.exactseek.com/add.html
6 http://www.gigablast.com/addurl
7 http://www.entireweb.com/free_submission/
8 http://www.hotvsnot.com/Add-Site/Add-Site.aspx
9 http://search.sonicrun.com/freelisting
10 http://www.somuch.com/submit-links/
11 http://viesearch.com/submit
12 http://linkcentre.com/
13 http://www.pegasusdirectory.com/
14 http://www.1abc.org/submit.php
15 http://www.infotiger.com/addurl.html
16 http://addurl.altavista.com/
17 http://addurl.amfibi.com/
18 http://beamed.com/search/index.php?p=2
19 http://mastermoz.com/register.php
20 http://onemission.com/
21 http://polypat.org/submit.php
22 http://referencement.ke.voila.fr/
23 http://searchsight.com/submit.htm
24 http://www.1websdirectory.com/
25 http://www.247webdirectory.com/submit.aspx
26 http://www.9sites.net/addurl.php
27 http://www.a1webdirectory.org/submit.php
28 http://www.amfibi.com/addurl/
29 http://www.anoox.com/add_for_indexing_free.php
30 http://www.blackabsolute.com/submit.php
31 http://www.boitho.com/addyourlink.htm.en
32 http://www.businessseek.biz/page.php?page=submission-policy
33 http://www.claymont.com/asublegacy.asp
34 http://www.directoryfire.com/submit.php
35 http://www.directory-free.com/submit/submit.php
36 http://www.dmoz.org/add.html
37 http://www.elitesitesdirectory.com/
38 http://www.exalead.com/search/web/submit/
39 http://www.feedplex.com/add-url.php
40 http://www.freeprwebdirectory.com/submit.php
41 http://www.fybersearch.com/add-url.php
42 http://www.gainweb.org/submit.php
43 http://www.ghetosearch.com/add-url.php
44 http://www.illumirate.com/
45 http://www.info-listings.com/submit.php
46 http://www.intelseek.com/add_url_form.asp
47 http://www.jayde.com/submit.html
48 http://www.kiwidir.com/submit.php
49 http://www.nexusdirectory.com/submit.php
50 http://www.official.my/addurl.php
51 http://www.onemilliondirectory.com/submit.php
52 http://www.onlinesociety.org/submit.php
53 http://www.piseries.com/
54 http://www.priordirectory.com/submit.php
55 http://www.rdirectory.net/submit.php
56 http://www.scrubtheweb.com/addurl.html
57 http://www.sitelistings.net/submit.php
58 http://www.splatsearch.com/submit.html
59 http://www.submit.biz/
60 http://www.surfsafely.com/urladd.html
61 http://www.synergy-directory.com/submit.php
62 http://www.towersearch.com/addurl.php
63 http://www.triplewdirectory.com/submit.php
64 http://www.webworldindex.com/
65 http://www.wotbox.com/addurl

In case any of the above sites are not working then just skip them and proceed with the rest.


Submitting your URLs to Search Engines is extremely important to get your new blog crawled and indexed. Equally important is to get them indexed quickly. Once you have submitted your new blog to various search engines, I would recommend you to:

In the end, I would like to reiterate that you can create as many backlinks as you want. However, you need to target the right keywords to improve your search engine rankings.

All these steps would help you get maximum exposure to your new blog and increase its rank in major search engines. Hope you have found our list of Search Engine Submission Sites useful. If you submitting your new blog to any other search engine, then please let us know via comments section.Next


Ping Submission Sites List 2018 (High PA, DA and Alexa Rank)

Free Ping Submission Sites List 2017: 

Do you know that almost 80% backlinks on the internet are never indexed by Google and other search engines? This is where ping submission can help. Ping submission sites can help you get your own blogs, websites, and backlinks indexed by just a single click. Ping submission sites are extremely popular due to their ability to get blogs, URLs, and backlinks indexed by major search engines (like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex) and RSS directories in no time. In this article, we have provided 40+ Free Ping Submission Sites List 2017, which will help you get your blogs, websites, and backlists indexed faster.

In summary, Ping Submission is a fast and easy method to get your get your blogs, websites, and backlinks indexed by Search Engines, Website Directories, News Websites, Aggregators, Feed Websites and Many Others

What are Ping Submission Sites?

Ping submission sites allow users to submit their blogs, websites, and backlinks to major search engines and directories by simply entering the URLs and associated keywords. Then, these ping submission sites notify all major search engines and directories about your new content and backlinks. This improves your SEO and SERP rankings and increases the organic traffic coming to your site.

How to use Ping Submission Sites?

Ping submission sites offer a convenient and time-saving way to get your blogs, websites, and backlinks indexed by hundreds of search engines and directories. Whenever you publish new content on your blog or discover a backlink, you must use ping submission sites to get it indexed and improve your SEO rankings. For most ping submission sites, you need to just follow these 4 simple steps:


  • Just visit any of the ping submission sites listed in the Free Ping Submission Sites List 2017
  • Input the URL which you wish to get indexed by search engines and directories
  • Then, simply press the ping or submit button
  • You will see a confirmation message after few seconds

There is no need to sign up or create any sort of account on most of these ping submission sites. Similarly, you don’t need to make any payment as most of these ping submission sites are free.

Benefits of Free Ping Submission Sites

If your blogs, websites or backlinks are not getting indexed by search engines, then ping submission sites can help you overcome such issues. Other benefits of using these Free Ping Submission Sites are:

  • Ultra-fast indexing of your URLs and backlinks by major search engines
  • Higher search engine rankings (SERPs) by indexing your incoming backlinks
  • More visibility on search engines due to higher SERPs
  • Rapid increase in organic website traffic

Now, let us move to the list of ping sites where you can submit your blogs, websites, and backlinks.

ping submission


Free Ping Submission Sites List 2017 (High PA, DA and Alexa Rank)

Free Ping Submission Sites List Page Authority Domain Authority MOZ Rank Alexa Rank
http://blogsearch.google.com/ping 77.74 100 5.32 1
http://ping.feedburner.com 55 94.96 4.97 19389
http://pingomatic.com 73.53 67.95 6.08 40669
http://pingler.com 63.78 56.37 6.57 55864
http://indexkings.com 44.67 34.73 3.92 97306
http://totalping.com 49.68 53.55 4.51 97401
http://pingfarm.com 48.73 40.96 4.51 129813
http://pingmyurl.com 51.1 52.64 5.26 146449
http://addurl.nu/ 52.21 54.36 4.38 165408
http://googleping.com 62.55 54.86 6.64 165986
http://pingsitemap.com 49.57 40.94 4.05 203091
http://pingbomb.com 45.21 34.83 4.06 204213
http://mypagerank.net 49.72 68.31 5.75 207961
http://twingly.com/ping 40.83 68.26 3.38 210279
http://ping.in 47.76 38.33 4.54 219285
http://coreblog.org/ping 48.97 45.65 4.66 228904
http://feedshark.brainbliss.com 65.41 58.26 6.45 253819
http://pingoat.net 41.31 32.44 4.26 268018
http://backlinkping.com 47.62 37.2 4.17 271982
http://nimtools.com/online-ping-website-tool 21.49 18.77 4.47 282185
http://blo.gs/ping.php 63.41 61.84 5.22 313377
http://blogbuzzer.com 46.2 35.51 3.75 376450
http://weblogs.com 60.59 77.07 5.32 413313
http://pingmyblog.com 50.19 41.51 5 415918
http://bulkping.com 49.91 41.09 4.56 641590
http://auto-ping.com 41.49 50.94 4.39 664016
http://rpc.weblogs.com 55.96 77.07 5.66 758310
http://autopinger.com 45.44 38.97 5.62 792513
http://icerocket.com 59.14 73.47 4.86 885705
http://blogsnow.com/ping 45.38 41.36 4.45 1441149
http://weblogalot.com/ping 31.16 50.71 0 1542837
http://bulkfeeds.net/rpc 54.72 51.5 5.8 1967685
http://ipings.com 48.31 38.22 4.33 1974191
http://feedsubmitter.com 42.91 36.45 4.41 2035192
http://pingerati.net 50 41.07 4.85 2764929
http://pingmylink.com 45.25 34.77 4.03 2970450
http://syncr.com 33.04 24.31 1.99 4946334
http://blogpingtool.com 35.48 40.29 2.97 8903138
http://blogmatcher.com 44.07 38.13 4.45 10049689
http://pinggator.com 24.52 10.92 2.84 10247043
http://geourl.org/ping 45.57 69.45 4.22 11275853
http://pingates.com 54.25 45.14 6.05

In case any of the above sites in the list of ping sites above are not working then just skip them and proceed with the rest.

How to Get Your Brand New Website Indexed?

If you have a brand new website, then you should take a few steps before using ping submission sites to get the maximum benefit. Here are the additional steps:

  • Create a sitemap using Google Sitemaps plugin or Yoast SEO plugin
  • Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console
  • Add your website to all major Search Engines
  • Setup your website’s RSS Feed using Feedburner (which is Google’s own RSS publishing tool)
  • Add your website’s URL to your social profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc.
  • Bookmark your website using Social Bookmarking Sites like Tumblr and StumbleUpon
  • Submit your new website to Free Directories like Activesearchresults and Entireweb


Using ping submission sites can often get your new URLs and backlinks indexed within 24 hours by search engines. At times, I have seen new URLs indexed even within 15 minutes. However, it is difficult to predict the exact behavior of search engine bots. We suggest using tools like SEMrush or Moz to easily track the backlinks pointing toward your site.

If you find the Free Ping Submission Sites List useful then please share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. If you are using any other techniques to your blogs, websites and backlinks indexed quickly by search engines then please share in the comments!
